Personal Hygiene and Habits
- ** Wear loose comfortable clothing (preferably 100% cotton)
- ## Nails should be kept short. Not too short neither long.
- ** Use lip balms – Keep lips moist.
- ## Use clean (preferably preboiled and cooled) water for bathing purpose.
- ** Avoid rubbing of skin over radiation field, just dabbing is preferred.
- ## Use mild soap to avoid drying of skin.
- ** Use mild moisturizing body lotion (spare area under RT)
- ## Use mild shampoo (baby shampoo) for hair.
- ** Use mouthwash after every meal.
- ## Avoid exposure to sun, dirt, dust and smoke.
- ** Stay away from addiction (tobacco) – if not able to stop tobacco, contact your doctor regarding de-addiction.
- ## Alcohol, if can’t be avoided, then use in moderation.
- ** Please inform the doctor if you are pregnant, lactating or having any medical condition.
- ## Use medications to postpone menses, if required.
- ** Use approved contraceptive methods to avoid pregnancy during course of chemotherapy.
Dietary Advice :
- ** Avoid uncooked raw food during the course of chemotherapy.
- ## Eat freshly cooked or microwaved food.
- ** Eat soft diet (khichdi, daliya, soups, noodles, ice creams, cold coffee) if can’t tolerate normal diet.
- ## Use only preboiled & cooled or mineral water for drinking.
Regular Tests:
- ** Blood tests as and when advised – Hb, TLC, DLC, Platelets , Liver function and renal function tests., Onco Markers.
- ## Radio-logical investigations : X ray, USG, Echo.
- ** Monitor Weight and note changes if any and inform Doctor.
Blood Products arrangements:
- ** Bring extra donors for screening (in-case of rejection, you may have extra)
- ## Collect donor cards of more than one blood bank.
- ** Prefer infrequent visitors for blood donation.
- ## Donors should be readily available.
Help Round the Clock:
- ** Please inform if you body temperature is more than 100 degree F or more, persistent vomiting, bleeding from any site, Low TLC cont (<4000), Hypo-tension, Breathing difficulty.
- ## Rush to 24 hours Emergency in-case of any medical emergency.
- ** Maintain a positive attitude in life as negative attitude takes a toll on health.
- ## Meditation on a regular basis wards off stress.
- ** Apart from medical care, patients require emotional support.. Family members can be the best emotional support during stress.
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