General FAQ's

1. What is Cancer? 
Cancer is an abnormal group of body cells that are rapidly dividing and have potential to spread to distant organs. If it is not destroyed or removed, cancer can spread very rapidly, and eventually lead to death.
2. What is the difference between normal and Cancerous growth?
Normal growth of cells are seen at some injury site and it is localized. Normal growth is time limited which tends to stop on its own after the healing is achieved. On the contrary, cancerous growth is continued growth which doesn’t stop on its own and has a potential to spread to different organs.
3. How many kinds of tumors are there?
Broadly classifying, there are two kinds of tumors – Malignant & Benign. A benign tumor is more common, slow growing and is generally harmless. It doesn’t spread to other parts of body. The counterpart malignant tumor, being rapidly growing never stops growing unless & until treated and can spread to other parts of the body.
4. Is cancer contagious or infectious?
No. cancer is neither contagious nor infectious. It does not spread by touching, kissing, sharing, articles etc.
5. Is cancer a blood disease?
No, Cancer cells may move through the blood stream to another part of the body indicating spread of disease. Cancer can however develop in certain tissues, which form the blood cells.
6. What are the ways of spreading cancer?
Cancer is seen to spread in 3 ways:
a. They grow directly in contiguity from one tissue to another, which is called local invasion.
b. Cancer cells grow through the walls of blood vessels and are carried by the blood stream to other parts of the body, termed as Hematogenous spread.
c. They enter the lymphatic stream and are carried to the lymph glands, hence termed as Lymphatogenous spread.
All the above ways of spread are technically called Metastasis.
7. How fast does cancer grow?
There is no definite rate at which cancer tissues grow. Some are slow growing whereas others are fast growing.
8. Is cancer a single disease?
No. The term “cancer” includes all forms of malignant growth. Lot of variants are known. These have certain characteristics in common, such as uncontrolled growth, a tendency to spread widely in the body and cause fatal termination if not treated early and adequately. They differ in certain characteristics, such as location in the body, microscopic appearance, and response to treatment.
9. Does cancer develop more quickly in children than in older people?
The rate of growth is dependent upon type of cancer. But yes growth of cancer cells is faster in young as compared to old people.
10. At what age cancer can develop in children?
No age and no individual is certainly free from cancer. There are certain forms of cancer that have pre – disposition to particular age.
11. What are the causes of cancers? 
There are certain substances, known as carcinogens, which can definitely increase your chances of getting cancer. For instance, people who smoke or chew tobacco are more prone to mouth, throat and lung cancer, Contrary to popular opinion, beedi smoking is twice as dangerous as cigarettes. Continued irritation of tissues can lead to cancer. Pollution, preserved food, smoked and junk food are also contributory. Even certain viruses can cause cancer (EBV, Hepatitis B, HPV). Amongst other known causes are asbestos, arsenic, pitch, tar, ultra-violet rays toxins (aflatoxin) etc.
12. What are your chances of getting cancer?
To be very precise it is very hard to predict the chances of cancer in an individual. There are about 8.5 lakh cancer patients in India alone (Year, 2000). Though cancer can occur at any age, the incidence is high after the age of 40 to 45. However, if you have family history of certain familial cancers, you are at a higher risk of developing cancer.
13. Why should cancer be diagnosed and treated early?
So as to stop or treat cancer more effectively. Treatment & prognosis is better if treatment is initiated at an early stage of disease, where as in some cancers if diagnosed at an early stage – can becured.
14. Can I catch / diagnose cancer without seeing a doctor?
No, You can only suspect. A regular thorough physical check-up is your best guard against cancer, plus an examination when one of the seven danger signals or warning appears. You are the first line of defense against cancer because, you alone, can recognize a danger signal.
15. Why do many people wait before consulting a physician when cancer may be present or suspected?
Primarily, because of fear they choose to live in denial. Most of the females who noticed the lump in the breast conceal the symptoms out of shame. Ignorance of the signs of cancer and the vital importance of early treatment also play a role. Some people also think there is a social disgrace in having cancer and so hide the fact from their physicians and often from friends and relatives. This is not the right thing to do.
16. Can one’s mental condition influence the course of cancer?
One’s mental condition has no direct effect on the course of the disease. But positive attitudes, fighting spirits and healthy thinking helps you to cope with cancer better. So, it has an indirect bearing on response to cancer treatment.
17. Is there any danger in watching a lump in the breast to “see what happens?”
Definitely yes. As the spread of cancer is very rapid, wait & watch policy would prove to be detrimental. Time is the most important factor in the control of cancer and waiting to “see what happens” may permit a curable cancer to become incurable. This may allow it to spread to other parts of body and make the treatment more difficult.
18. Can immunity to cancer be acquired as with diptheria or typhoid fever?
Production of immunity is possible only in diseases caused by germs. As most cancer is not caused by germs, immunity cannot be developed against it. However, recently cervical cancer vaccines have been developed which act against HPV(human papilloma virus) a causative agent of cervical cancer. However, good health imparts of better healing which interns strengthens bodies natural mechanism to fight against bodies own mechanism to develop cancer.
19. Is it true that cancer generally develops among people in poor health?
There is no known relation between the status of one’s health and the development of cancer. Poor genital and oral hygiene may be contributory factor in cancer causation but doesn’t always link to socioeconomic status.
20. Why don’t the white cells in the blood kill cancer?
White blood cells are known as body’s soilders. The main function of white blood corpuscles is to protect the body against bacteria or germs. They kill germs and fight infection. Current research is being undertaken to promote such activity by certain kinds of white blood cells and utilize the concept in cancer treatment.
21. Is pain an early symptom of cancer?
No, except in a cancer involving bone or nerve tissue. Pain usually is a late symptom and when it occurs, the growth is often quite advanced.
22. Why should cancer be diagnosed and treated early?
So as to stop or treat cancer more effectively. Treatment & prognosis is better if treatment is initiated at an early stage of disease, where as in some cancers if diagnosed at an early stage – can be cured.
23. Is bleeding always a sign of cancer?
Although bleeding is not always a sign of cancer but it should be promptly and carefully investigated, to determine if it is due to cancer. A small percentage of patients with blood stained discharge from nipple have cancer. Bleeding from other body openings, such as rectum or bladder, should be carefully investigated to rule out cancer. Unnatural vaginal bleeding, especially after the age of 50 can be a very suspicious sign of cancer.
24. Does blood in stool indicate cancer?
Not necessarily in all cases however, the suspicion is high in elderly age group. Stool streaked with bright blood or the occurrence of black or “tarry” stools should lead to prompt and thorough investigation. The assumption that rectal bleeding is merely due to hemorrhoids, or piles, is dangerous, since such bleeding may be due to multiple causes, including cancer.
25. Does blood in the urine indicate cancer?
May be. But it may also be caused by conditions
other than cancer. A careful investigation is essential to rule out cancer.
26. Is it true that cancer generally develops among people in poor health?
There is no known relation between the status of one’s health and the development of cancer. Poor genital and oral hygiene may be contributory factor in cancer causation but doesn’t always link to socioeconomic status.
27. What should you do if you think you may have cancer?
Seek medical advice from a specialist as early as possible to initiate investigation and treatment as soon as possible.
28. If you have been cured of cancer, can you develop another cancer?In the same place or In some other part of the body?
Yes as the tendency of developing cancer seems to be high in patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. Regardless of a patient’s past medical history including the successful treatment of a previous cancer, he/she should be examined at regular intervals. Because of the tendency for cancer to re-appear at the place of a previously existing growth or any other place, a patient should have a regular follow up as advised by the Doctor. A new cancer may also appear at another part of the body.
29. Can I lead a normal life after cancer?
Yes. Sooner you come for treatment, the better the quality of life after cancer. Most cancer patients return to their normal lives, even during treatment after a few modifications in their lifestyles.
30. Are cancers in men and women different?
Few cancers are limited to a sex only like ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, cervix cancer etc. Most important thing is that common male cancers (lung and oral) are preventable because they are caused by tobacco and alcohol consumption. Female cancers (Breast, cervix) can be detected early and cured.
31. What forms of cancer are more common among men than women?
5 most common cancers in men are:-Lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver.
5 most common cancers in women are:-Breast, colorectal, lung, cervix, stomach.
32. Do more women than men die of cancer?
No. This misconception of cancer being primarily a woman’s disease is due to the frequency of cancer of the breast and cancer of the reproductive organs in women, as compared with the more varied occurrence of cancer in men.
33. Are all breast lumps cancerous?
No, but all lumps are to be dealt with extreme urgency though only small percentage of lumps turn out to be cancerous. Careful physical examination and mammography can differentiate benign from malignant lump. Biopsy & FNAC of lump by a competent pathologist can clinch the diagnosis.
34. Can cancer result from sexual intercourse?
Not precisely. There is no definite known relationship between cancer and sexual activity on the part of the male or female. However, women who have multiple sexual partners is at greater risk of getting cervical cancer as HPV has been linked to cause cervical cancer which in turn is transmitted sexually .
35. Is cancer of the prostate common in men?At what age does it generally occur?
Yes. Cancer of the prostate is one of the common forms of cancer in older men. Elderly men above 50 should be on guard against this form of cancer. A thorough physical examination, including a rectal examination, blood test (PSA) and TRUS are ways to discover this hidden cancer early. More over the symptoms to be aware of, are irregularity of urine stream, difficulty in passing urine etc.
36.What are the Symptoms of cervix cancer?
Unusual discharge, unusual or excessive bleeding
during menses or between menstrual cycles
especially after sexual inter course or during
postmenopausal years are symptoms of cancer
cervix. These need not always mean that cancer
is present, however, an expert medical examination is necessary when such symptoms are present.
37. Is it ever safe to rely on salves to “cure” cancer?
No. Paste or salve can not penetrate the tissues deep enough to destroy deep seated cancer cells.
38. Why are quacks dangerous?
For the following reasons, among others:
1. Few quacks are not trained medically; therefore, they have no fundamental knowledge about cancer.
2. They cause the patient to lose valuable time that should be used to obtain correct treatment.
3. The pastes and “medicines” used by quacks have no value in curing cancer.
4. Along with causing a monetary loss to the patient the quack causes a bigger loss in form of disease progression.
