Check List for patients before Surgery

If you are coming in for surgery in the morning, make sure you go through the following check-list in advance.

** Please follow the instructions given by your doctor / anaesthetist.
** Do not wear any jewellery to the hospital – leave your bangles, ear rings, rings etc. at home.
** Remove all nail polish and keep your nails short.
** Please do not eat or drink anything at least 6 hours prior to scheduled time of surgery, preferably nothing after 12 midnight.
** Do give yourself a good scrub bath on the day of surgery, preferably, with an antiseptic soap (chlorhexidine soap).
** Do not miss your antihypertensive or cardiac drugs. Have it with a sip of water at 6 a.m. any other medication prescribed by the physician or anesthetist is to be taken as advised.
** Make sure your are not taking the drugs, which have been stopped earlier e.g. Ecosprin, Disprin, anti-platelet, anti-diabetic etc.
** Please carry all your medical records including scan films and reports.
** Please inform in advance if you have recently acquired any aliment.
** Please make sure you have signed the consent form for surgery and understood well the procedure and the possible complications of the same well. Please talk to your doctor in case you need any further clarifications.
