* Aqua Magic:Drink plenty of water. Follow the ‘minimum 8 glasses a day’ rule. Hydration dilutes the concentration of agents that can cause cancer, by flushing it out through urine.
* “Neither Smoke, Nor Let others Smoke” :Live and let live. Say no to tobacco and smoking. Also, avoid second–hand smoke.
* Cut Down Liquor :Alcohol consumption is linked to mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver and breast cancer. This means men should not have more than two drinks a day and women not more than one drink a day.
* Sweat It Out : Routine exercise is a must to enhance one’s immune system and maintain a fit and appropriate body weight to avoid any potential threat of developing cancer and many other diseases. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity 3 times/week or more.
* Be “Body- Aware” : It’s important to know your body and recognize any changes, such as lumps or unexplained bleeding, and get advice about whether they might be serious. Listen and trust what your body is telling you—if you have a concern, visit your doctor.
* Be ‘Sun – Smart’ To Protect From Skin Cancer :Spend time in the shade between 11am and 3pm.
Make sure you never burn.
Cover yourself up with a T-shirt, hat and sunglasses.
Take care not to let children get burned.
Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.
- Keep an eye on any moles or freckles you have. If they change at all (for example, get bigger or begin bleeding), see your doctor as this can be an early sign of cancer. The earlier any cancer is caught, the easier it is to treat, so see your doctor as soon as possible.
* Be Pro-Active & Get Screened : Regular health check-ups and early screening are important milestones in early detection and better results. Certain cancers are genetic and run with families. Do you have a family history of cancer ?…. If yes, consult your doctor. Genetic test are available now a days, to predict your cancer risk.
* Get Your Shots / Be Vaccinated :
Better late then never. Cancer vaccines are a reality…. Consult the specialist.
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